New Features Galore

New Features Galore 30 Apr, 2021 Emma Outerbridge 3 min read The Publisher Discovery platform is driven by our users’ needs – and that is all about making the task of identifying and recruiting the most relevant and valuable new publishers that much easier. Based on user requests we’ve been working on several new features […]

Partners, Networks and Social Media – New Features! March 2021

Partners, Networks and Social Media – New Features! March 2021 25 Mar, 2021 Emma Outerbridge 2 min read Our team have been busy adding some new features to the app, including Partner visibility, Networks and Social Media Links. These features have been requested by some of our users, to help with filtering and identifying opportunities […]

Data Update News

The Publisher Discovery engineering team have had a busy start to 2021, with a significant data update and there are more feature updates coming. Users will already have noticed one obvious change with the addition of a Saved Publishers tab in the platform. We’ve more great features planned for Q1 to help our clients find and work with new affiliates more effectively.

Millions of Partner Opportunities

Our tech team have recently put in place a number of changes in the way that data is gathered. This has meant that we are now indexing even more publisher websites giving users access to increased numbers of affiliates and influencers. We have added over a million new affiliate websites, lifting the total from two million to over three million; literally millions of partner opportunities.

Focus on Countries

Focus on Countries 21 Jul, 2020 Tom Bourne 3 min read Update: Focus on Countries to Expand Your Reach We’re excited to announce another platform update – with a filter to focus on Countries. This adds to the recent major platform update which added the view of affiliates by Vertical. This new filter tool lists all the Countries […]