Finding Tickets Affiliates
How do you find new affiliates for tickets?
From an affiliate point of view, the first thing to love about this market is its broad appeal. Customers of all ages, and from all walks of life, buy tickets for theatre shows, a sporting event, or to see their favourite band live. Affiliates are always sharing which programs are the best converting so it's worth making sure your own conversion numbers are strong to capture the best affiliate partners.
Which means that any kind of site with entertainments content is a potential partner. For a tickets advertiser then that means a huge potential pool of publisher websites to try and recruit - and keep serviced.

Affiliate Types
The types of affiliate in terms of promotional types and marketing specialisms can be potentially useful affiliate partners. With such a commoditised market, most buyers are looking out for a deal - whether that's on Times Square or online.
So discount coupons and cashback affiliates are likely to be powerful sources of traffic - though they should of course be managed efficiently and not just be a race to the bottom on price. Think tactically to encourage enhanced basket values.
The other huge potential is the vast numbers of fan sites in both the sports and music worlds. You can see this is the example view of tickets affiliates below.
Many of these are able to ingest api's of tickets to drive automatic pages and become a very effective distribution partner. And, you need to think of them as partners because if you do it rights you can become their sole supplier of ticket data.
Take a Free Trial
In your 7-day trial you will be able to:
- search through thousands of potential new relevant affiliates
- understand their marketing style
- see which are promoting competitors in the tickets vertical, and
- create a Gap Analysis against your own program.
Filter for vertical niche affiliates:
- Books
- Hobbies
- Movies
- Music
- Streaming
- Tickets
...and see thousands of potential new affiliate partners.
Have 7-Days on us - we really want to make sure you find your next big tickets affiliate partners!
For those new to affiliate marketing, take a look at our Resources pages and Affiliate 101 for some other useful tips.
Publisher Spotlight
Read more about how a leading travel affiliate managed the effects of the global pandemic - and their plans for the future.
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